How To Register for In-Person Online Exam Sessions:
The Nashville VE Team is going electronic for all exam sessions starting on the September 14, 2024 exam session. These will be
in-person online exam sessions. With that in mind, there will be changes to the process for registration and the
administering of the exams.
- This part of the Registration should be done before the day of the exam, as it will require you to already have your FRN.
- Find one of our exam sessions at and open the session,
or use the session link on our
page for the exam date to go directly to it on
Our exam sessions are labeled as "Nashville VE Team" or "NASHVE", but you can actually find lots of different exam sessions
for other exam groups on as well as ours.
- Click on the "Register" button on the session you've selected, which will send you to
Exam Tools to complete your registration.
You will need your FRN number, or your call sign if upgrading, to register for a session.
- Once your registration is complete on Exam Tools, you will be given a (four digit) code.
Please bring this with you on the day of the exam session, as you will need it to log in.
Registration (Day of Exam):
- Please show up at the test site between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM to complete the registration process and payment so we can
start testing promptly at 9AM.
- You will not need to bring a laptop or tablet/iPad to take your exam(s).
We will furnish a tablet to use for testing, which will be returned to the team once processing has been completed.
No smart phones or smart watches please.
- The Nashville VE Team will help you connect to the facility Wi-Fi network.
- Go to the Exam Tools website and select "Take an exam".
- To join our "Nashville VE Team" session, you will need to enter your FRN and your PIN (from pre-registering above).
- Please wait for one of the VE Team members to approve you to join the session.
Taking Your Exam:
- Once a VE Team member begins the exam, you will be able to take the entire exam on the tablet device.
- Selecting your answer for each question will be a click, and you can see your progress on the device as you go.
- Once you are finished with the exam, you will be able to mark it complete. It will be graded automatically.
- If you pass, and there is another element to take, you will be offered a FREE chance to take the next exam.
A VE Team member will approve the next test, and you can begin.
- If you did not pass, but only missed it by a few questions, you will be offered the chance to retest. If you want to do so,
you will be directed to the front registration desk to pay the testing fee ($15.00) again as if you are a new
student. Then, you will be able to return to the testing room and a new test will be sent to the tablet device.
- You are allowed to use a separate calculator to take the exam, or if it is a basic calculator, you may be able to use
the one on the device if it is determined to be clear of saved memory, notes, or other ways to cheat.
- VE Team members will be monitoring all examinees to ensure that you are only looking at the exam and your calculator.
- Please do not leave without notifying the Nashville VE Team on site.
- Please return any loaner tablet devices to the Nashville VE Team.
- Once your are done testing for the day, you will be able to leave sooner since most of the paper work previously
required will be completed automatically.
- If you pass any element, you will be sent a digital CSCE, and the testing results will be sent to the ARRL and
the FCC.
- If you pass, the FCC will email you a direct link to collect your $35.00 fee for them and to issue your license
and Call Sign (if a new call sign is needed).